Feb ’24 Picks

Feb ’24 Picks

An unexpected nudge to hit the pubs from unlikely messengers —Heineken’s ‘The Office Cleaners’

February calls for a nod to Valentine’s Day, followed by some creative commerce ideas rooted in simple insights and random thoughts.

Let Snelle Sing It for You — Activation Ideas
Based on the proverb ‘If you can’t say it, sing it’, Milka enlisted the help of popular Dutch rapper and AI to help consumers of Milka send their own expressions of tender ‘sung’ by the artist.
Doppelgänger — Activation Ideas
Always my favourites: using mundane tools with a simple idea that makes a huge impact in the business. Brilliant use of data to get people opening your newsletter and talking about them.
The Office Cleaners — Activation Ideas
What’s not to like about this campaign? Using office cleaners as a trigger to go out and drink beer with friends. Everyone happy.

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Dani Comar